Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Name of the BHMS exam and subjects

The subjects for study and examination of the B.H.M.S. course shall be as under:

1. Anatomy
2. Physiology
3. Forensic medicine
4. Pathology
5. Community medicine
6. Gynecology
7. Surgery including Ear, nose, throat (ENT) and Ophthalmology
8. Materia medica
9. Organon of medicine
10. Homoeopathic pharmacy
11. Practice of medicine
12. Psychology
13. Homoeopathic philosophy and principles of homoeopathy
14. Chronic disease
15. Case taking and repertory
16. Obstetrics
17. Tissue remedy

Curriculum of studies for professional B.H.M.S. examination:
Curriculum of studies for first professional B.H.M.S. examination:
1. Anatomy
2. physiology
3. Materia medica
4. organon of medicine
5. homoeopathic pharmacy
6. Tissue remedy
Curriculum of studies for second professional B.H.M.S. examination:
1. Forensic medicine
2. Pathology
3. Materia medica
4. Community medicine
5. Organon of medicine
Curriculum of studies for third professional B.H.M.S. examination:
1. Materia medica
2. Practice of medicine
3. Gynecology
4. Organon of medicine
5. Obstetrics
Curriculum of studies for final professional B.H.M.S. examination:
1. Materia medica
2. Psychology
3. Homoeopathic philosophy and principles of homoeopathy
4. Chronic disease, case taking and repertory
5. Surgery

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