Name of the experiment: Laboratory methods of distillation.
Distillation is the process of conterting a liquid into its vapor by boiling and then condensing the vapor back to the liquid side by the application of cold.
1) Leibigs condenser ground joint
2) Distilling flask ground joint.
3) Flat bottom flask
4) Tripod stand single stand with clamp
5) Wire gauze
6) Rubber cork
7) Laboratory thermometers
8) Bunsen burners
9) Ordinary or tap water
1) Ordinary water is taken in a distilled flask. The side tube of flask connected by means of a cork and the inner tube of the liebing condenser itself surrounding by a wider jacked through which a constant.
2) Steam of cold water in passed the cold water being extent and out at the bottom to top of the condenser the flask is set up on the wire gause on a tripod stand and clamped in apposition.
3) On the heating the flask is 100◦c. The water boil and the vapor while passing through the cold inner tube of the condenser back to the water and the distilled and deposited washed bottle or condenser.
Comment: By this process we get pure liquid vehicle especially water.
Name of the experiment: Laboratory method of crystallization.
When a solution of a solid in liquid saturated at some higher temperature is made too cool down then a quantity of the solid held in solution is deposited at the bottom spontaneously in the form of particles having regular and definite geometrical shape. This process is called crystallization.
1) Solution of common salt
2) Test tube
3) Test tube holder
4) Bunsen burner
Taken a sufficient amount of salt solution in a test tube and keep it by a holder than heated at some higher temperature on Bunsen burner. After saturation of it is made too cool down then a quantity of solid salt deposited at the bottom in the form of definite geometrical shape.
Comment: After crystallization we get pure crystal substance that without impure substance.
Name of the experiment: Laboratory method of sublimation
Sublimation is the process of converting a solid drug substance into its vaporous state and next condensing its vaporous back into the solid having the same composition. The product of the sublimation is called sublimate.
1) Chemical solid camphor
2) Beaker
3) Funnel
4) Tripod stand
5) Cotton pad/glass wool
6) Bunsen burner
7) Matches
At first some amount of crystal camphor taken in a clean porcelain basin and then covered it with an inverted funnel. The end of the funnel closed with glass wool or air tide by wet cotton pad then it is placed on a tripod stand and heated it by Bunsen burner. The crystal camphor is slowly vaporized and despoiled inside the funnel in crystal form with out converting it into the liquid form having the same composition.
Comment: It is suitable process to removing impurity of solid substance.
Name of the experiment: Preparation of ointments.
Ointments are semisolid and may be readily applied on the skin by rubbing requiring melting on application. So they are also called therapeutic creams. It is prepared from white soft paraffin with particular mother tincture commonly used ointments are Boric acid, calendulla, Haemamellis, Arnica mont, Graphitics Etc.
1) Mother tincture.
2) White soft paraffin
3) A slab
4) Spatula
5) Clean stopper glass bottle
6) Labeling paper
7) Pasting gum
8) Measure glass
9) Scissors
One part by weight or volume of the required mother tincture is mixed thoroughly with nine parts by volume or weight of white soft paraffin.
1. Take required amount of soft paraffin on a slab or glass state.
2. The mother tincture is generally added drop by drop and should be thoroughly mixed by the spatula.
3. Then take ointments by scarping from the glass slab and put in the glass stopper bottle.
4. The bottle should be labeled with the name of the mother tincture with the ointment for external use only.
Name of the experiment: External application: preparation of lotion.
Theory: They are liquid suspension in aqueous medium, used as external application one part of requisite mother tincture, say Callundula, Arnica, Ledum etc and nine part of purified water are mixed thoroughly.
1) Mother tincture
2) Distilled water
3) Clean lotion phial with crack
4) Labeling paper
5) Pasting gum
6) Measure glass
Calculation: 139, 1part mother tincture and 9part distilled water.
1) The proper amount of distil water is taken in the phial and requisite mother poured into it.
2) The phial cork tightly and shake well till its colour become uniform.
3) The phial should be labeled with the name of mother tincture e.g. Calendula lotion.
4) Date of manufacturing and direction of use should be written on the label.
5) Shake well before use and for external use only.
Name of the experiment: Preparation of liniments
Liniment or embrocating is applications of an oily or spirituous consistence. Theses are mixture or solutions of different medicines in oil, alcoholic solutions of soap or emulsion and are suitable for rubbing or painting over the skin. They also serves as protective coatings, camphor enters into their composition for its local stimulant action and also to lessen the risk of these being taken internationally as it has characteristic strong smell.
A. Principle: One part by weight of mother tincture is mixed with nine parts by weight of olive oil. One part of the required medicine is mixed with four parts of olive oil or tincture of soap.
B. Requirement:
a) Ingredient –
1) Mother tincture
2) Olive oil or tincture soap
b) Appliances-
1) A clean round phial
2) A new non porous velvet cork
3) Balance with weight box
4) Weighing bottles
5) Pen, labeling paper, gum etc.
C. Procedure: proper quantity of olive oil is taken in clean glass phial. The required quantity of mother tincture is poured over it. The cork is fixed and a homogenous mixture is prepared by vapuring shaking.
Body of the phile writing the-
Name of the mother tincture.
For external use only
Shake well before use.
Name of the experiment: Writing of prescription and dispensing of the some.
The prescription originates from the Latin word. Prescription means “prac” before and “scribo” means write. Prescription means a written direction by physician for preparing a remedy for his patient which is most appropriately as considered by this attending physician.
Different part of prescription:
A. Superscription: It is the heading consisting of the symbol “Rx” which stands for the Latin word receive which means “to take” the oblique dose across the R is probably a relic of the days of astrology that represented a prayer to Jupiter. This symbol used for a prescription in medical parlance.
It includes:-
1) Name of the patient with address.
2) Age and sex
3) Symbol “Rx”
B. Inscription: This part of prescription is called the body. It includes-
1) Name of the remedy, its potency, its quantity
2) Name of vehicle and quantity.
C. Subscription: It includes –
o The direction to the pharmacist
o How to dispense the remedy
D. Signature: It includes
1) Direction to the patient-
I. How to use the medicine, when medicine to be administered.
II. When to report.
III. Some advices- diet, yoga, investigation.
2) Signature of the physician-
1. Signature of the physician with date and registration number obtained from homoeopathic council
a. Each line must always begin with capital latter.
b. Medicinal name written first and then quantity and vehicle.
c. The name of the medicine should be written in Latin word. ( generic name)
d. Direction of the patient should be written in simple language and good hand writing.
e. When in doubt, always write in English.
f. Never hand over the prescription without reading it over again.
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