1. What is cell and tissue?
2. What is biochemistry?
3. Write down the composition and process of tissue remedy?
4. Method of Schussler bio-chemic tissue remedy
5. Method of Schussler bio-chemic treatment
6. Historical background of tissue remedy
7. Difference between general bio-chemic and Schussler bio-chemic remedy
8. Difference between homoeopathic and bio-chemic method of treatment.
1. What is cell and tissue?
The cells come from the latin word “cella” which means a chamber. The living matters are composed of so many structural units or chambers.
Cell is a microscopic unit of living matter, which is a mass of protoplasm containing a nucleus or nuclear material.
Cell is fundamental structure and functional unit of biological structure and physical of unit of life.
It comes from latin word “texera” which means to weave.
A tissue is a collection of similar type of cell and associated intracellular substance that specialized in a common direction and performing a definite function.
Muscular tissue
Nervous tissue
Epithelial tissue
Connective tissue
2. What is biochemistry?
Bio-chemistry comes from two Greck words “Bio and chemia”
“Bio” means life and “chemia” means chemistry.
In short Bio-chemistry is the chemistry of living of organism. It deals with composition of atomic and molecular structure and also function of plant and animal.
In broad, Bio-chemistry is the science dealing with the mojlecular and atomic structure of living matter and the composition of substance their formation composition and the various transformation and the many undergo.
According to GM ORTEN AND O.W NEUHAUS Bio-chemistry in broad terms is the study of chemical composition of living matter and bio-chemical process that undergoing life activity during growth and maintains.
3. Write down the composition and process of tissue remedy?
Bio-chemical composition of tissue remedy:
Bio-chemical compositions of living matter are as follows:
1. Water: About 75% -80% of by body weight of animal tissue are water except bone teeth.
2. Organic constituent: two groups
a. Nitrogenous compound
b. Non nitrogenous compound
a. Nitrogenous: Urea, uric acid, amino acid etc.
b. Non-nitrogenous: protein 75%, serum albumin, serum globulin, fibrinogen, prothrombin etc.
Others—carbohydrate, fat, hormone, enzyme, etc.
Inorganic constituents:
1) Inorganic salt
2) Elements ions-
I. Anions
II. Cations
3) Bulk elements
4) Trace elements
1. Inorganic salt: NaCl, KCl, CaCO3, About 1% of total body weight of soft tissue is inorganic salt.
2. Elements ions: Na+, K+, Ca++, Mg++, NH4+, Cl-, hco3-, so4-, HPO4-, HPO3-.
3. Bulk elements: Carbon(c) , H2, O2, N2, S, P, etc.
4. Trace elements: F++, I2, CU, Zu, Mn, As, Ag, Br, Bi, Pb, Al, Ni, Be, Hg, Mg etc.
Gases: O2, Co2, N2, and trace of other gases.
Bio-chemical process:
Biochemical process of living organism is an essential part of biochemistry. It deals with the following aspect of chemistry.
Photo chemistry: It is directly involved with photo synthesis and physical chemistry of osmosis
Catalysis: it is an important chemical mechanism that directly applied to living organism. It takes place in the bio-chemical system by the agency of enzyme hormone.
Example: ptyaline.
Mechanism of genetic control: It deals with nuclic acid and protein constituent and behaviour.
Colloid chemistry: It deals with nature of cell walls nucleus, collagen etc.
Acid base regulation: It involves in the pH of body fluids such nutritional components, as amino acids, fats, carbohydrates minerals, lipid, vitamins, are essential to life.
Chemical organism and reproductive behaviour of micro organism: it is seen in the bacteria and virus wich carry chemical components and sometimes insuitable condition.
Agricultural chemistry: It large part of chemistry which deals with bio-chemical process of plants.
Particularly, the above process actively deals with nucleic acid cell surface, cell membrane, enzymology, peptide hormone, molecular-biology and re-comband DNA.
4. Method of Schussler biochemic tissue remedy
Two kinds of substances are needed in the process of tissue building of the body both are found in the blood, namely organic and inorganic.
The bio-chemic therapeutic is based on the physiological fact. That is both the structure and vitality of the organs of the body are depended upon contain necessary quantities and proper distribution of its constituents.
These remain after the burning process of the tissue and form the ashes.
The inorganic constituents are in every real sense. These material basis of the organs and tissue of the body. According to Dr. Schussler 12 inorganic tissue salts are presents in our body. These are natural body basis of tissue of the body although they are present in small quantity. They are absolutely essential to their integrity of structure and functional activity.
According to Dr. Schussler’s theory any disturbance in the molecular nation of tissue salts in the living tissues caused by a deficiency in the requsite amount constitute disease. These rectified and the equilibrium, re-established by adminis tering the tissue salts, which will be –
I. Homogenous to the body tissue salts.
II. Chemically pure tissue salts.
III. Physically and chemically closely related tissue salts.
IV. Potentised from.
V. Prover and
VI. Minute dose.
This is supposed to the broad about by virtue of the operation of chemical this 12 inorganic tissue remedies can rectify deficiency and recovered patients and can cure all the disease. These phenomena are well known as Dr. Schussler Bio-chemistry of theory of Dr. Schussler’s Bio-chemic method.
5. Historical background of tissue remedy
SAMUEL HAHNEMANN, whose genius divined the great importance of the inorganic cell salts as remedial agents of a high order, was the first who began thorough investigation into their pathogenetic effects and therapeutic uses. It was his proving of Lime and Salt and Potash and Silica that prepared the way for the rest of the Tissue Remedies, that showed what vast store-houses of medicinal force these inorganic substances are, although apparently inert in their crude state. It was he, who first pointed out how these forces could be unlocked and directed for therapeutic purposes. Later, in 1832, attention was called in a paper published in Stapf’s Archiv to the great importance as remedies of all the “essential component parts of the human body”, and again, in the same journal, in 1846: “All constituents of the human body principally act on those organs wherein they have a function. All fulfill their functions when they are the cause of symptoms.” This from the pen of that remarkable genius in the field of Materia Medica – Constantine Hering.
Later still, we find Grauvogl, in his Text-Book, taking some notice of these remarks and amplifying them; but it remained for Dr. Schussler, of Oldenburg, Germany, to develop these suggestions and make the idea foreshadowed in them the basis of, a “new system”. In March, 1873, an article, entitled “An Abridged Homeopathic Therapeutics”, from his pen, was published in a German Homeopathic journal, in which he says: “About a year ago I endeavored to discover by experiments on the sick if it were not possible to heal them, provided their diseases were curable at all, with those substances that are the natural, i. e., the physiological function-remedies.”. Of this no special notice seems to have been taken, until, five months subsequently, Dr. Lorbacher, of Leipzig, came out in the same journal with some critical considerations of it.
This was followed by a reply from Schussler, which ran through seven numbers, giving a more detailed account of this “Abridged System of Homeopathic Therapeutics,” the important features of which are incorporated in this work.
The original communication from Schussler to the German medical journal was translated into English, and published first in the Medical Investigator, May, 1873, and soon afterwards in a small work, by Dr. C. Hering, entitled the “Twelve Tissue Remedies,” “recommended for investigation” by this great teacher of our school. Several editions were published in rapid succession, from which this historical sketch is mainly derived, and following these appeared the translation of the twelfth German edition, by J. T. O’Connor, M. D., and one by M. Docetti Walker, considerably enlarged by the addition of an appendix popularizing the Biochemic Method. Dr. Schussler, previous to his death, which occurred early in 1898, published the 25th German edition, in which the application of several of the remedies has been greatly enlarged and considerable new matter added, all of which is incorporated in this work. This edition has been translated into English.
Wilhelm Heinrich Schuessler was a German physician, who followed a slightly different, but simpler version of Homeopathy. He believed disease in man was caused due to deficiency of twelve basic salts. Take them and cure follows. The so-called twelve tissue salts of Schuessler are the following. Also mentioned later in the article is the usefulness of each of the salt.
The " Homeopathic" system of the Cell Salt remedies was developed by Dr.Schuessler a German doctor in the late 1880's. He analyzed the ash residue of human cells and found 12 inorganic mineral salts. He theorized that these 12 elements are critical to balancing cellular activity and health and made 12 homeopathic remedies in low potency in order to be assimilated rapidly and easily. The remedies have been used by millions of people for over 120 years worldwide. They have proven to be helpful in balancing many conditions in the body. Many of these remedies are the most important in homeopathic practice worldwide. The strong point of using the cell salts is building up the constitutional health of a person over long period of time. They are used to rebuild the organs and tissues.
The cell salts are equilibrium remedies; they are used to balance excess and deficiency. They remove excess as well as help with deficiencies. Cell salts work well with herbs and with vitamin and mineral supplements.
The cell salts are also great for people of any age. The two groups of people who benefit the most from using the cell salts are children between the ages of 0 - 3 a period when there is rapid growth in children. In children you can really build them up especially during growth. During growth periods you can use them for extended periods of time giving them daily for 1 to 2 years at a time. The elderly benefit because they are gentle, yet helps to nourish and to balance deficiency. For the elderly and children it is a way of doing homeopathy nutritionally. 6X is = to 1 part per million. 12X is one part per billion. Homeopathy raises the vital force, the cell salts rebuild. Homeopathy has a bigger range of action especially psychologically. The tissue salts have a narrower range but rebuild. In a way the cell salts are the "vitamins & minerals" of homeopathy. When a homeopathic remedy relapses, the cell salts come in and stabilizes it. You can take a Cell Salt remedy for 6 months to a year for supporting a chronic problem.
Dosing: Remedies are taken generally 4 tablets 4X a day but they can be used acutely much more frequently, for example Mag Phos is one of the best remedies for hiccups and can be taken every 5 minutes as needed. You can be very flexible with the doses depending on the circumstances.
The cell salts are broken into 5 groups. The biggest groups of cell salts by far are the calcium group. Calcium cell salts are frequently our true constitutional remedies. Calcium Carbonate i.e. Calc Carb is the biggest single remedy used in homeopathy.
1) Calcium group Calc Flor, Calc Phos, Calc Sulph
2) Sodium group Nat Mur, Nat Phos, Nat Sulph
3) Kali group (Potassium group) Kali Mur, Kali Phos, Kali Sulph,
4) Magnesium group Mag Phos
5) Ferrum (Iron) Ferrum Phos
6) Silica or Silicea
Sodium, Potassium, and Calcium are in 9 of the 12 remedies. Sulphur is in 3 remedies.
An example of the connection between the cell salts and homeopathic remedies is colocynth is a plant that is highest in the mineral magnesium. Its biggest symptom keynote is severe abdominal or pelvic pain. They bend over double and deep pressure feels better. The cell salt Mag Phos is the complementary remedy but they like a hot water bottle placed over the point of pain. These are both used for basically the same health problem but with a variation. Pulsatilla has the same relationship to Kali Sulph, so it has a similar symptom picture so Kali Sulph can be considered the cell salt equivalent of it.
Notwithstanding that Dr. Schussler denies in the later editions of his work all connection with Homeopathy, and insists that his method is not based upon the homeopathic law of cure, but upon physiologico-chemical processes that take place within the organism, it is nevertheless true that the present wide adoption of the Tissue Remedies in the treatment of disease is the fruit of the seed sown on homeopathic ground as early as 1832, although its development was slow until Schussler gave it a wonderful impetus by bringing physiologilcal chemistry and physiological and pathological facts to bear on his therapeutic procedure
6. Difference between general bio-chemic and Schussler biochemic remedy.
The difference between general bio-chemistry and Dr. Schussler bio-chemistry are given bellow:
Points General bio-chemistry Dr. Schussler’s biochemistry
Parts It is a part of the general chemistry. It is a part of the general bio-chemistry.
Time It is relatively a young branch of science. It is relatively a young method of medical science.
Composition It deals with about water, organic components, inorganic compounds and gasses present in living matter. It deals with about inorganic salts especially about the 12inorganic salts of human tissue.
Contents It deals with the plant and animal bio-chemistry. It deals with human bio-chemistry.
Process It deals with the bio-chemical process of living organism. It deals with the bio-chemical process related with 12inorganic salts of human body.
Causes Pathological bio-chemistry discuss about the causes of plants and animals. Dr. Schussler’s bio-chemistry discuss about the causes of diseases of human body.
Disease It thinks that diseases are produced by insufficient sufficient of nutrition cell and tissue. It thinks that disease are produced by deficiency of 12inorganic salts of human body.
Cure General bio-chemistry also described that disease can be cure by sufficient supply of nutritional substances to the plants and animal. Dr. Schussler biochemistry described that diseases can be cure by removing deficiency of the 12inorganic salts of human beings with the corresponding salt applied in potentized and minor from.
7. Difference between homoeopathic and bio-chemic method of treatment.
Dr. Schussler said that biochemic treatment is a separated pf medical treatment. Although both the bio-chemic and homoeopathic method of treatment has some similarities but this dis-similarity is great, both system of treatment used potentized proved medicine in minor from and decimal scale. And follow systems similarity though in bio-chemic system has some exception difference between biochemic and homoeopathic methods of treatment are as follows-----
Points Bio-chemic method of treatment Homoeopathic method of treatment
Vital out look It demised vital energy, vital force and vital principal theory of homoeopathy. It believes in vital energy, vital force and vital principal theory in case of health, disease and cure.
Causes of disease Deficiency of 12 innorganic tissue salt. Derangement in the vital energy dkue to disease energy.
Mode of illness From cell molecules to body and mind. From vital energy to body and mind.
Scale Descimal scale. Descimal, centesimal and 50 milisimal scale.
Medicine/remedy Potentized and proved drug is called remedy. Potentized and proved drug is called medicine and proved medicine is called remedy.
Out look of cure All the disease can be cured by 12tissue remedies only. Although this system excluded cal. Sulph and included kali. Ars. Kali. Iod mag. Sulp later one. There is no such dogmatic specific outlook it things that medicines can be used according to the similar systems of the patient, tko make him cure.
Method of treatment-
a. similar
b. single medicine
c. dose a. similarities with symptoms and disease.
b. generally combined medicine.
c. in large dose. a. similarities with symptoms.
Single medicine (apho-169,170,272-274)
b. in minimum and modified dose.(apho-270 foot note)
Limitation It seems that if can cure all disease, with its 12 remedies. But in practice it is possible. It can cure all curable disease.
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